modified:: 2023-10-18, 2302
up:: Societal Solidarity
Mechanical Solidarity
Solidarity of society through members conforming to Collective Consciousness.
- Collective Consciousness: Bound together by similar human experience; The same ideas, sentiments, beliefs, morals, etc.
- Everyone should have the same values & judgement unto others.
- Repressive Laws are the most obvious Social Facts that can be used to measure Mechanical Solidarity.
- Stronger Collective Consciousness -> More sensitive to Deviance -> More repression.
- Less freedom & individuality based on Durkheim's Freedom and Individuality.
- Durkheim's Freedom and Individuality#Quotes#Inverse Proportionality: Strength of Mechanical Solidarity inversely proportional to personality.
- More Moral Facts; More restrictive & less freedom.
- Some are irrational & exist only to declare your sameness & belief in the Collective Consciousness's ideas.
- i.e., that we have to wear clothes.
- Strongest, most essential moral rules of society to conform to are encoded as Repressive Laws.
- Some are irrational & exist only to declare your sameness & belief in the Collective Consciousness's ideas.
- Must have & exert the same moral judgement as society; Deviance is punished.
- Breaking Repressive Laws gets you punished; breaking Moral Facts gets you outcasted.
- Must be punished/outcasted to show behaviour is unacceptable to the collective.
- Allowing trangressions to go unpunished, deviants to walk the streets, weakens the Solidarity as members don't feel safe.
- Y'know "safe space".
- National Education is a form of Mechanical Solidarity.
- Creates common beliefs about society & what is moral, how to behave in society.
Use quotes from Collective Consciousness and Durkheim's Freedom and Individuality.