modified:: 2023-10-19, 1330
up:: Societal Solidarity

Organic Solidarity


Societal Solidarity due to the interdependence of the functions within society.




Division of Labour to Interdependence

"The most notable effect of the division of labour is not that it increases the productivity of the functions that are divided in this way, but that it links them very closely together." (Durkheim, 1893, pg 21)

What is Organic Solidarity

"the society to which we are solidly joined is a system of different and special functions united by definite relationships." (Durkheim, 1893, pg 83)

"that network of ties that gradually becomes woven of its own accord and that makes organic solidarity something that is permanent." (Durkheim, 1893, 303)

Cult of the Individual

"…the collective consciousness is increasingly reduced to the cult of the individual, we shall see that the characteristic of morality in organised societies, as compared to segmentary societies, is that it posesses something more human, and consequently more rational, about it." (Durkheim, 1893, pg 338)

See Also