modified:: 2023-10-19, 0009
up:: Social Science
tags:: Durkheim Theory
Who is Durkheim
- Father of Sociology
- The study of society from macro rather than micro level.
- Positivism approach, strong focus on examining Social Facts.
- Follows Structural Functionalism mindset
- Interested in what holds society together; Societal Solidarity
- See #Quotes#Why is Solidarity Increasing?
- Saw Division of Labour plays moral role in creating Organic Solidarity
- No Universal Moral Laws, Moral Facts are societal constructs.
- See #Quotes#Morality is Societal.
- Some books:
- DIvision of Labour in Society (1893): Durkheim - Division of Labour in Society (Partial) (1893)
- What is the role Division of Labour plays in society?
- The Rules of Sociological Method (1895): [[Durkheim - What is a Social Fact.pdf]]
- DIvision of Labour in Society (1893): Durkheim - Division of Labour in Society (Partial) (1893)
- Measure solidarity through society's laws.
- Laws only exist if there is society, and society only exists if there is solidarity.
- so amount of solidarity and its nature can be measured by laws
- Loop of law creating solidarity, & solidarity creating more laws, etc
- Miraculous Organic Solidarity, didn't examine nature of conflicts deep enough
- Does Interdependence always lead to Organic Solidarity?
- Conflicts might be eternal or last for decades, if it last for decades is aiming for Organic Solidarity worth?
- Will such conflicts always be resolved equitably?
- Durkheim asserts individual rights will win out in the end
- Some conflicts are irresolvable for other reasons, i.e., in a changing industry where the pie is shrinking, there might be no outcome parties involved all find equitable
- Does Interdependence always lead to Organic Solidarity?
- Assumes Restitutive Laws are usually fair
- Durkheim did say its possible for a society's laws to be out of step with society, but never addressed how it would be resolved
- Doesn't consider over-regulation
- Can Forced Division of Labour even be resolved?
- The Burgeois would never give up their advantage to the Proleteriat.
- Generational Wealth in Singapore.
Why is Societal Solidarity Increasing?
"How does it come about that the individual, whilst becoming more autonomous, depends ever more closely upon society?" (Durkheim, 1893, pg 7)
Morality is Societal
"As for what is termed individual morality… which would bind him only to himself and would consequently subsist even if he were alone, this is an abstract conception that has no foundation in reality." (Durkheim, 1893, pg 332)